Thursday, April 28, 2011

Individual presentations... part deux

Finish blogs up by 5pm Thurs.

Morgan-Rape of Lucrece. Marina & Lucrece

Matt- Nothing, fools, and nature compared and contrasted

Cameron- connections between plays

Lisa- negative capability & remembrance. Focus on the word Vail. False

The Painted Vail

Alex- recurring event of divine visitation

Melissa- Nature in King Lear.
          "The worst returns to laughter"

Karinne- Device of disquise

Nathan- The Tempest. Very Depthful.

Becky- Poem about Cleopatra & Shakespeare. They're the same.

Jon- Hamlet. What it means to be a mythic figure.

James- Echoes... really heartfelt.. its nice to see such emotion... makes me have hope in the world again! :)

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