Thursday, April 28, 2011

Individual presentations... part 3

*Check out Amanda's blog to see how you did*

Brian- no guitar. boo. lol. All of Shakespeare is related. Hamlet & Henry IV part 1. Comparisons Iago and Caliban. Same character, different play.

Rachel- Shakespeare as a myth maker. Creates myth from stories. The Tempest, Shakespeare as Prospero.

Lauren Schull- Caliban like Poseidon. Andromeda & Perseus. Cedus & Caliban. The Tempest translated from Andromeda & Perseus.

Shelby- Asthetic Dignity. Theory of negative capability. Beauty & the sublime. Extends asthetic quality.

Spencer- Final scene of Cymbeline. Characters don't know who they are until the end. "Swapping Hats"

Joe- Nothing in Shakespeare. Nothing in a secondary sense. Realm of actual compared to possible. Shakespeare addressing basic myth. How can something come out of nothing?

Laure part deux- Language. Memorial. very beautiful. Othello. Spoken word being most important. Iago works with words not actions.

Jennifer- symbolism of the pearl. sang a county song.

"Funny when your dead, people start listening"

Riley- Iago. Prometheous located myth. Burns down the town with his words.

Craig- screenplay adaptation of last act of Cymbeline. Last 4 scenes have most imagery. *posted on blog

Again, really nice work everyone. Not too much, not too little. I was very impressed with everyone. One more class and then... off we go. To do... well... nothing. which is to say, everything.

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