Moonwalking with Einstein
servant must sent bloody hankerchief
Imogen's male name Idelle: Faithful
blog your thesis for your term paper
Shakespeare is exploiting genre's
Romance: cheap, taudry book about love
Shakespeares Romance: babies seperated at birth, captured by pirates
*Pericles was not all written by Shakespeare
Comedy of Errors
We're not covering the first two acts- why? because they're not very good
answer to the riddle: incest
Start sounding more like Shakespeare
Pericles & Titus were the shows that were the most flocked to...
wrap up of Acts I and II: Dumb show
storm: tempest
A Chorus
They throw the dead queen overboard
Psyche & Cupid
-Evil stepmother who watns to kill baby
She is rescued by pirates, they $$$ so they sell her to Brothel peeps
Pericles= Dudley do-right
Pericles vows not to cut hair and not talk
Cerimon finds real queen and brings her back to life by music and massage
Great Healer=music
Myth with person in basket = Moses, Superman
Pay attention to flowers
"Pirate Talk": Arghh
"Virgin Knot"
Persephoney & Demeter
Romances myth
Colin Still- myth of the mother and the daughter
Governer wants some and Marina coverts him... so he gives her a bag of gold.
Pericles: "Thou that beget'st him that did thee beget;"
"the person who begot you, begot me"Diana @ ephesus
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