King Lear - read the conflated text
mythology and Shakespeare
We're demytholigizing through the works
"The Ailing King"
Frazer- conflicts of kings in The Golden Bough
Lear- restricting consciousness of world
egoist- Jennies blog
Cordelia= Heart
realistic and mythological levels
King has beautiful daughters, he marries them all off. He loves himself the most.
Gloucester is involved in subplot which is the same as the main plot.
Lear banishes Cordelia
(Lear= Cinderella)
Edmund is a villain because he has been demytholigized
Nothing & Nature are two words used often in Lear
"It is never the worst, unless you can say it is the worst"
"We are to the gods flies to the wanton boys, they kill us for they're sport"
Oswald= dumb villain
Albany- marries horrible bitch- Goneril
* Blog about flyting- exchange of terms of abuse back and forth between two people.
Tom of Bedlam who Edgar disquises himself as.
* What do you need?
find youtube clip of King Lear
Notes 3/3
Tuesday- required attendance- guest speaker
Read first two acts of Antony & Cleopatra--come with a question
John Orsi- Remainder - Tom McCarthy
King Lear- Who are you?
-Shakespeare manipulates
What do we really need?
Daughters say too many knights... well 50 knights is better than 25.... why do you need one? Something snaps in Lear
pg. 1592
most people are distracted by their possesions
Lear turns to compassion and sympathy... he has lost the mind that he had which was not a mind worth having at all
"Thou art the thing itself;"
pg.1600 Edgars speech
"The worst returns to laughter"
"The worst is not so long as we can say this is the worst"
*Nathans blog
Lear- "If thou wilt weep my fortunes; take mine eyes"
Alchemy- a person must empty themselves out to truly find themselves
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